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When you are missing one or more teeth, dental implants are the most commonly used procedure to replace them. In fact, this artificial root is designed to replace the root of the natural tooth from an aesthetic and functional point of view.
Thanks to the structural and functional connection between the dental implant and the living tissue, almost undetectable results are obtained. It is the process of osteointegration that enables this perfect adhesion.

At the end of osteointegration, a crown, bridge or other type of dental prosthesis can be placed. The dental implant mimics the natural appearance of the tooth and performs its various functions.
You will be able to chew, speak and smile normally again, without fearing the change in facial features that incomplete teeth can cause. But specifically, how is a dental implant placed? Do I have to undergo this procedure? Find out more about it using the options below.
Should I opt for a dental implant? How does it work?
The placement of a dental implant is a surgical procedure performed under local anesthesia, which takes place between 5 and 8 weeks after tooth extraction. It usually consists of two main phases: the placement of the implant itself and the placement of the prosthesis. However, it also requires preoperative preparation and postoperative follow-up.
Preoperative care
The placement of dental implants is always preceded by a medical examination carried out by a specialist in implantology: the dental surgeon. A panoramic dental radiograph or 3D scanner can also be taken to find out whether the installation of this medical device is possible for the patient.
When the bone mass of the mandible is not sufficient or is of poor quality, this intervention is effectively contraindicated. It is possible that a bone injection will first have to be carried out so that the base of the implant is more solid. Then infected teeth and nails have to be treated. The aim is to place the implants when the oral environment is perfectly healthy.

The preoperative consultation also allows you to determine the surgical plan in advance, but also the options regarding anesthesia. Your dental surgeon will discuss with you the available options: local anesthesia (to numb the affected and surrounding areas) and conscious sedation, if necessary.
Placement of dental implants
In the dental clinic, the dental surgeon applies anesthesia and then makes an incision in the enema. He uses a surgical splint to make a small diameter hole in the socket and the bone that will be used to receive the implant (in the form of a titanium lathe). This procedure requires experience and great skill to avoid damaging the jaw and surrounding vital structures, such as the lower jaw alveolar nerve (lower jaw).
You should therefore call a dentist specializing in implantology. Placement can take between 30 minutes and 1 hour/implant. In cases where the patient has lost all their teeth, 4 to 8 implants can be placed at the same time.
This number is more than enough as an anchor point for a complete set of teeth. Depending on the surgical plan, the dental surgeon can place a provisional prosthesis while waiting for the definitive prosthesis, which is placed a few months after placing the implants.
Free consultation
Through the free consultation, you can learn more about the dental procedure and also see if you are eligible for a dental implant. Click below and choose your option:
Free consultation 1
15-second questionnaire
With the quiz, you can answer the relevant information to understand whether or not you can undergo the dental implant procedure, quickly and easily. Click on the Quiz below:
Through these possibilities, you will be able to find the answer to your oral problem and solve it with great confidence.

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